Time To Change Story Camp: How to support someone with Borderline Personality Disorder

Having Borderline Personality Disorder is hard to live with especially as it causes problems in interpersonal relationships. With our emotional reactivity and fear of abandonment we can find it hard to navigate relationships with loved ones and if you are a loved one of someone with BPD it can be hard to understand what they’reContinue reading “Time To Change Story Camp: How to support someone with Borderline Personality Disorder”

Time To Change Story Camp: Why I believe talking about mental health is important

Trigger Warning: This post discusses sensitive subject matter There are many reasons I can think of to talk about mental health but I guess I’ll start from the beginning. I started writing this blog back in 2016 but hadn’t even considered using it as a platform to talk about mental health at first. You see,Continue reading “Time To Change Story Camp: Why I believe talking about mental health is important”


In all my years of blogging and being involved in the mental health community I never dreamed that someone would be interested in interviewing me for their podcast but Aline reached out to me and asked if I would like to be a guest on her podcast Beyond The Borderline. On her podcast Aline talksContinue reading “I’VE BEEN FEATURED IN A PODCAST!!!”

heard + felt

navigating life after trauma


we run away from our discomfort... but it doesn't leave us. to heal we need to turn around and face it, experience it and once we truly do we are out of it. We heal and we grow.